Issue Position: Healthcare Mission

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

The current cost of healthcare for millions of individuals, families, and small businesses is entirely unacceptable. Premiums and out-of-pocket costs are placing an undue burden on budgets and forcing families to make tough financial decisions. Americans face a product that has increased in price and has decreased in quality and options. That is unacceptable.

I will be a tireless advocate to reduce the costs of healthcare while increasing the quality of coverage.

Currently, the healthcare system lacks transparency and competition. Actual medical costs are not very clear, and that leads to a confusing web of bills. I will champion policies that increase transparency. Transparency will bring the actual costs of medical care to light which will allow for competition to take place.

While we increase competition in the healthcare industry, insurers and other healthcare entities will have to compete with free market forces. This will incentivize stakeholders to provide better coverage with more options and flexibility. Career politicians have caused great dysfunction in our healthcare, and they have failed millions of Americans.

As your Congressman, I will achieve the mission of fixing our broken healthcare system because I'm not beholden to entrenched special interests. I'm beholden to achieving the mission.
